誠盟餐飲 誠盟餐飲


Thank you for shopping at Cheng Meng (誠盟) and supporting us.
To provide you with better service, please kindly give us your opinions. Thank you very much.
1. Satisfaction with Meal
1-1 Meal category
1-2 Deliciousness
1-3 Meal size
1-4 Meal price
Meal delivery speed
2. Satisfaction with Service
2-1 Service attitude
2-2 Service efficiency
2-3 Professional knowledge
3. Satisfaction with Environment
3-1 Decoration and display
3-2 Cleanness of the store
3-3 Comfort of seating area
4. What is your overall opinion of our service?
4-1 overall opinion
4-2 Please write down your comment(s) below.
5. Basic Information
5-1 Gender
5-2 Purpose of your trip
5-3 Please leave your contact information if you need any service or reply.